MARtians sighted on Mar’s

Breaking news: MARtians spotted in Connecticut!

Did I get your attention? You may recall last MARch when I announced that the official term when affectionately referencing my fans “my MARtians”. Well, MARtians were recently at my home, Rosebrook Gardens, and posed wearing the official MARtian logo.

As you have certainly noticed over the years, I love finding words with “mar” and stylizing them with “MAR“. Such as ‘MARvelous’ and ‘sMARt Tip’. But sometimes I manipulate words, too. Some of my favorites are; ‘aMARzing’, ‘toMARrow’, ‘Good MARning’, ‘MARnifique’ and of course for my fabulous reference reserved for ladies: ‘glaMARous’.

As for naming my fans, I’m in good company. Lady Gaga has her ‘Little Monsters’, Joan Rivers has her ‘Joan Rangers’, and I have my MARtians. But even better, now I officially have an illustration to represent you!

Truth be told, it takes many talented people to build a successful brand and this cute, creative logo was designed by the very talented artist Joe Malfettone! A conceptual artist, traditionally and collegiately trained painter, and designer, his work, although deep with layers of significance and contemporary relevance, is purposely designed with simplicity and accessibility in language. He routinely makes reference to auction culture and modern masters. Learn more about Joe and his work by visiting his website

When two creative people come together, the universe opens and there is no end to what the imagination can come up with. Although I had somewhat of an idea in mind, Joe brought it to life. Collaboration is the key to any great partnership and when it came to working with this talented designer/artist I won big!

The MARtian logo has been created in multiple colors. As part of a coming revamp of my website, you will be able to select your own color of MARtian when you sign in. What color will yours be?

Oh, and these T-shirts? To kick off the design I thought it would be fun to create the t-shirts and give them as gifts. Paul, Nora, and Joe are each MARtians, and so proudly wear theirs. What a good-looking bunch. But the T-shirts will also be part of my ‘thank you’ to dedicated fans. Stay tuned for how you might be able to get one for yourself. (Not a registered MARtian yet? click here)

Thank you, Joe, for a MARaviglioso design!