The sky’s the limit

Every Wednesday I work at the FOXCT corporate offices in Hartford. While making some calls for a Northeast Living segment, I spoke with a woman named Renee who asked me “Are you the Mar Jennings?” Needless to say, she was an avid follower and always looks forward to watching me on TV and receiving my e-mail blast. Of course, I thanked her – how sweet it was of her to say such things.

Earlier in the week, I received an e-mail from a Better TV viewer who complimented me for the wonderful content I provide their viewers. She went on to post a five-star rating on Amazon regarding my book, and when I read it, gosh, I was touched. I also learned that 21 reviews on Amazon all rated Life On Mar’s, A Four Season Garden with five stars. WOW, thanks all for that!

So two compliments in one week – what does that mean? You all know how much I love the number “2” right? So I dug deep to find the message, only to watch it unfold last night as I witness the sunset while sitting on the beach having a picnic dinner with friends. The sky was a rainbow of colors; indescribable. The complex and powerful beauty was calming, yet moving as somehow I saw a window to those people I have loved and lost. In particular Edward Smith, who, with his wisdom, helped redirected me to focus on what I really was meant to be doing in life. Watching the sunset validated my journey. It was a reminder that my foundation and successes come from being approachable, caring and talking to others – not at them – and being open to new ideas and opportunities.

I dedicate this blog to those wonderful people who have inspired me over the years. And all of you. It’s amazing how good friends, a cocktail, dining al fresco and the power of a sunset can show you the way. The sky’s the limit and I’m grateful that I can see the light.